·         Willowlake Community Newsletter



In case of emergency, call 911. • Sheriff Non-Emergency: 713-221-6000




If you need to discuss anything with the Board,

you can always email us at:





Sidewalks in front of a homeowner’s home

 are their responsibility to maintain.

If your sidewalk is uneven with trip hazards,

you need to have them leveled.


Click here for more details.








       Monthly HOA Board Meetings:


Monthly meetings held on the first Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm in February, March, April, May, June, August, September, November, and December.

Due to Covid-19, currently the monthly meetings will not be held in-person but you can still attend via Zoom video conferencing.  Zoom information will be posted here before the next meeting.



Join Zoom Meeting



Meeting ID: 84060699865

Passcode: WL



Or Dial 1 346 248 7799

Meeting ID: 840 6069 9865

Passcode: 496842


















c/o Randall Management

6200 Savoy Dr., Suite 420

Houston, Texas 77036

Venecia Perez, Property Manager

713-728-1126 opt. 4   vperez@randallmanagement.com

Text Box:







Northwest Houston, TX 77064