Q: Do I need to get permission from the HOA before doing
exterior home & property repairs?
A: Yes. You must
submit an ACC Application
before any exterior work is done.
This includes but is not limited to: Painting, roofing, fence work,
room or patio additions, pool or shed additions and siding/brick work. ACC Guidelines.
Q: How often is the trash picked up?
A:Trash pickup is every Wednesday. If a trash pickup falls
on Christmas Day or New Year’s Day, pickup will take place on the
following day. Heavy trash is every Wednesday. Please be a good
neighbor and ONLY put your trash out the morning of or the night
before trash pickup day. Thank you for your
cooperation. (To dispose of
household hazardous waste, you can drop it off at this Harris County
Q: Do we have a recycling program?
A: Yes. Recyclable
materials are picked up every Wednesday along with normally
scheduled trash pickup. All recyclables must be placed in the bin
provided by VF Waste. You also have the option of purchasing
additional recycling bins that VF Waste will pick up as
Q: Why can we not fish in the lake?
A: When Willowlake was first developed it was considered
important to look after the safety of our children as well as the
safety of the wildlife we enjoy. The ruling prohibiting fishing in the
lake was made in order to prevent broken fishing lines and hooks from
being left in the water and on the banks. This decision has also helped
in cutting down on the amount of trash that gets into our lake and
retention areas.
Our pond is regularly treated chemically to suppress algae and other
growth from clogging the pump / fountain mechanics. Unwanted growth
would also reduce the oxygen content for the turtles and fish.
Q: Who may reserve the gazebo?
A: Any Willowlake homeowner in good standing may reserve the
gazebo. There is a $200.00 security deposit and is fully
refundable if all requirements are met. Please download the Gazebo Reservation contract
and contact Venecia Perez of
Randall Management at vperez@randallmanagement.com
or 713-728-1126 opt. 4 for more information.