WILLOWLAKE HOA c/o Randall Management 6200 Savoy Dr., Suite 420 Houston, Texas 77036 Venecia Perez, Property Manager 713-728-1126 opt. 4 vperez@randallmanagement.com Willowlake
Subdivision Physical
address: Willowlake Park Drive,
Houston TX 77064 Randall
Management helps manage the Willowlake community. If you have any questions
at all please feel free to contact them. WILLOWLAKE HOA c/o Randall Management 6200 Savoy Dr., Suite 420 Houston, Texas 77036 Venecia Perez, Property Manager Phone: 713-728-1126 opt. 4 Email: vperez@randallmanagement.com HOA Board Members: Email entire Board: hoa@ourwillowlake.com Email individual board members: President:
Alejando Paredes Alejandro@ourwillowlake.com Secretary: Joe Guarnuccio Joe@ourwillowlake.com Emergencies: Dial 9-1-1 Harris
County Sheriff Non-Emergency Number: 713-221-6000 More info
on our Security Page There is a Facebook group for Willowlake. It
is not run by the HOA but is a place to connect with other neighbors and
share news about the neighborhood. Also, you can share info about lost
and found pets. It is a closed
group, so you will need to request access. Children are members so please keep
discussions civil and family-friendly. . CONTACTS
OurWillowlake.com Northwest Houston, TX 77064
Vice President: Tammy
Steffen Tammy@ourwillowlake.com
Treasurer: Pennie
Mutschler Pennie@ourwillowlake.com
Member at Large: Lynn
Piwonski LynnP@ourwillowlake.com